速報APP / 健康塑身 / AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians



檔案大小:49.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians(圖1)-速報App

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians provides quick access to the NHLBI guidelines and resources from the AAP and other authorities to help health care providers manage their patients' asthma. With quick access to tools to assess level of control, medication efficacy, and patient education; AAP Asthma Care is a comprehensive resources.

Adolescent patients using the companion app, AAP Asthma Tracker, can securely send data such as their triggers, medication logs, etc., to better inform follow-up visits.

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians(圖2)-速報App

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians(圖3)-速報App

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians(圖4)-速報App

AAP Asthma Care for Clinicians(圖5)-速報App
